Success Orientated
In addition to your monthly cash flow, rollovers from one lease to another are available and a one-time lump sum is paid for your lease interest. Be amazed as future wells soon begin paying for themselves. WI subject to prior sale.
Read The White Paper
Receive the Working Interest
225,000+ EUR per well (see Update)
78+ Locations (Between 20,000,000 – 15,600,000 BOE)
15,600,000+ EUR for the project
75% NRI 11,700,000 EUR realized @ (15,600,000 sensitivity case)
Approximately 80% of the drilling and completion costs are deductible during the first year as non-passive against earned income. Then there are depreciation & depletion allowances and lease costs being amortized.
Update 12/10/2024
Here is some of the supporting data from the newest wells in the Penn Play. These wells are approximately 5 miles due from our 18-page geological report. They are all now operated by Cholla Petroleum. This is the most current production data reported to the Texas RRC by the operator.
Well #1 Current production: 936 BOPD + 690 MCFGPD
Cumulative production: 91,163 BO = 65,760 MCFG
Well #2 Current production: 697BOPD + 596 MCFGPD
Cumulative production: 84,361 BO + 66,403 MCF
Well #3 Current production: 468 BOPD + 570 MCFGPD
Cumulative production: 77,489 BO + 72,185 MCF
Well #4 Current production: 556 BOPD +600 MCFGPD
Cumulative production: 172,018 BO + 151,002 MCF
Well #5 Current production: 457 BOPD + 596 MCFGPD
Cumulative. production: 174,536 BO + 156,613 MCF
These five wells alone are making over 3,000 BO equivalent per day!
This exceeds our geologist David R Vletas' 2,000 BOPD home run model using 25 wells considerably - a 500% increase!
Additional updates will be posted,
The accredited investor is one who has income of more than $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse) in each of the last two years and reasonably expects to earn the same for the current year and has a net worth of over one million dollars, either individually or together with a spouse (excluding the value of a primary residence).
Geologidal Data sent by:
EPI Abilene, Texas
WhatsApp +506 8631 2160
(512) 487-7714
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